2 Wonderful Ways to Help People Escape Domestic Violence

Domestic violence impacts 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men.
Someone you know if being abused right now.

Are you sending Christmas cards? Grab these first edition Control Alt Delete cards!

10 cards for $20 – they are brilliant white gloss stock with a stunningly simple green tree with a purple butterfly topper, symbolizing domestic violence awareness.

Each card lets the recipient know that the card has helped someone escape domestic violence. Sending these meaningful cards show that you are helping to create a Society of Survivors and actively helping get Survivors safe.

Visit  https://dvcontrolaltdelete.org/donate/ today and order your set of Holiday cards! Include your mailing address so that we can ship this cards directly to you.

Another great way to help Control Alt Delete get Survivors safe if to shop our One Hope Wine Fundraiser

‘Tis the season to order wine and what better way than to Support Control Alt Delete!
Every order One Hope Wine will give Control Alt Delete 10% and the wine is shipped right to your door!
Every bottle will help someone escape domestic violence – wine for a cause!
10% of this fundraiser will come to Control Alt Delete to help Survivors escape. Wine for a Cause – WIN/WIN!

When requests come in from Victim Advocates, Prosecutor Offices and Crisis Response teams for assistance, Control Alt Delete helps people escape domestic violence. We provide one time assistance at the most critical and dangerous time of need, when Survivors are fleeing. 20% of all requests for assistance are high lethality risk escapes meaning there is a likelihood that if the Survivor doesn’t escape right then the abuser may kill them.  That is the reality for domestic violence Survivors and  you can help!

Your support ensures that Control Alt Delete, a 100% volunteer run grassroots nonprofit can continue to help Survivors escape domestic violence.

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